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Re: Review of file exclusion branch requested

* Guillem Jover 

| On Sat, 2008-01-05 at 11:18:13 +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
| > I've finally gotten around to fixing up my support for excluding bits
| > of packages as they are unpacked.  It can be gotten from
| > git://git.err.no/dpkg in the master branch (sorry about that, it
| > should probably have gone in a separate branch).
| Thanks for working on this. For next time please use git-format-patch,
| it makes it easier to review, also it allows one to fix the patches
| and resend.

Will do.

| > It's still missing in the documentation department, but it seems to
| > work fine for me in my somewhat light testing.
| It be really nice if you could write them before I merge this. So few
| comments in addition to what Frank wrote:


| diff --git a/lib/dpkg.h b/lib/dpkg.h
| index ff3ac9a..f1e0c41 100644
| --- a/lib/dpkg.h
| +++ b/lib/dpkg.h
| @@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ extern const char printforhelp[];
|    umask(022); /* Make sure all our status databases are readable. */\
|    if (loadcfg)\
|      loadcfgfile(prog, cmdinfos);\
| +  loadfilters();\
|    myopt(argv,cmdinfos);\
|  } while (0)
| This would get called on all programs, but only dpkg uses the filters,
| just call it from dpkg main.

Moved to dpkg's main function.

| diff --git a/lib/myopt.c b/lib/myopt.c
| index 5aed2f3..6defe60 100644
| --- a/lib/myopt.c
| +++ b/lib/myopt.c
| @@ -164,3 +169,91 @@ void myopt(const char *const **argvp, const struct cmdinfo *cmdinfos) {
|      }
|    }
|  }
| +
| +struct filterlist *filters = NULL;
| +
| +void loadfilter(char *fn) {
| +  FILE* file;
| Asterisk near the variable not the type.


| +  char linebuf[1024];
| +  struct filterlist *filtertail;
| +
| +  file = fopen(fn, "r");
| +  if (!file) {
| +    warningf(_("failed to open filter file `%.255s' for reading"), fn);
| +    return;
| +  }
| This will give a warning on all systems that do not have that file,
| either this should check for ENOENT or we ship an empty one, the
| former being better I'd say.

No, this is loadfilter, not loadfilters.  loadfilters does:

  char *dirname = CONFIGDIR "/filters.d";
  DIR *dir = opendir(dirname);
  if (!dir) {
    if (errno == ENOENT) {
      return NULL;
    } else {
      ohshite(_("Error opening filters.d"));
  while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {


    if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) {

So the only case you'd see the «failed to open filter file» error is
if somebody (presumably with root access) removed a file between
readdir returning the file name and loadfilter getting around to
opening it.  If you think this is a problem, I can make loadfilter
take in a FILE * or file descriptor instead and have loadfilters be
responsible for opening the file.

| +  while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), file)) {
| +    struct filterlist *filter;
| +
| +    filter = malloc(sizeof(struct filterlist));
| +    if (!filter) {
| +      ohshite(_("Error allocating memory for filter entry"));
| +    }
| Use m_malloc instead.

Fixed.  I notice there's quite a lot of normal malloc calls around the
code.  Should we fix those to be m_malloc as well?

| +    filter->filterstring = malloc(strlen(linebuf));
| +    if (!filter->filterstring) {
| +      ohshite(_("Error allocating memory for filter entry"));
| +    }
| +    strcpy(filter->filterstring, &linebuf[1]);
| You can use strdup here (will be replaced later on with m_strdup).


| +    if (! filters) {
| +      filters = filter;
| +      filtertail = filter;
| +    } else {
| +      filtertail->next = filter;
| +      filtertail = filtertail->next;
| +    }
| You could do the same w/o special casing the first element by making
| filtertail **. Also you'll have to move filtertail outside the
| function, otherwise it will not support being called more than once.

I'm probably dense, but what do you mean by this?

| +  }
| +
| +  if (ferror(file)) ohshite(_("read error in configuration file `%.255s'"), fn);
| +  if (fclose(file)) ohshite(_("error closing configuration file `%.255s'"), fn);
| Please wrap after the if conditional.

| +
| +}
| Empty line.

Both fixed.

| +void loadfilters() {
| Argument should be 'void'. And this function is missing a declaration
| in the header.


| +  struct dirent *dent;
| +  char *dirname = CONFIGDIR "/filters.d";
| +  DIR *dir = opendir(dirname);
| +  if (!dir) {
| +    if (errno == ENOENT) {
| +      return NULL;
| +    } else {
| +      ohshite(_("Error opening filters.d"));
| +    }
| +  }
| In general, no need for braces when it's non-ambiguous and there's only
| one statement line.

Ok, fixed.

| +  while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
| +    struct stat statbuf;
| +    char *file = malloc(strlen(dirname) + 1 + strlen(dent->d_name) + 1);
| +    if (!file)
| +      ohshite(_("Error allocating memory for file"));
| m_malloc.


| +    sprintf(file, "%s/%s", dirname, dent->d_name);
| +    if (stat(file, &statbuf) != 0) {
| +      ohshite(_("Error stating file"));
| +    }
| +    if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) {
| +      loadfilter(file);
| +    }
| +    free(file);
| +  }
| +  closedir(dir);
| +}
| Only dpkg will be using this so I think it's better to split it into
| src/filters.c so that when statically linking the code is not uselessly
| duped on all other programs, and we put related code into the same place.


| diff --git a/lib/myopt.h b/lib/myopt.h
| index cb59f82..ffa27e3 100644
| --- a/lib/myopt.h
| +++ b/lib/myopt.h
| @@ -39,4 +39,12 @@ struct cmdinfo {
|  void myfileopt(const char* fn, const struct cmdinfo* cmdinfos);
|  void myopt(const char *const **argvp, const struct cmdinfo *cmdinfos);
|  void loadcfgfile(const char *prog, const struct cmdinfo *cmdinfos);
| +void loadfilter(char *fn);
| +
| +struct filterlist {
| +  int positive;
| +  char *filterstring;
| +  struct filterlist *next;
| +};
| +
| This does not feel like it has much to do with option parsing.
| Probably best moved to src/filters.h as well.



| Empty line.


| Tab on empty line.


| m_malloc.


| Tab on empty line.


| Please wrap at 80 chars.


| Trailing space.

All done.


| This part of the filtering logic should probably be moved into a
| different file and function just returning a boolean with the action
| to take.



| And as this has been copied from another part of the code, it could be
| refactored into a new function (in a different patch).


I haven't squashed the history yet (how do I do that?), but I've at
least pushed what I have, so you can take a look (or point and laugh
:-), at your leisure.

Note that the current code in my git branch is untested, so I won't
formally ask for a merge until I have something I'm happier with and
have tested.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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