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Re: Draft spec for new dpkg "triggers" feature

Kurt Roeckx writes ("Re: Draft spec for new dpkg "triggers" feature"):
> I've been thinking what kind of things this would be useful for.  I
> think we have lots of cases where we have a directory where packages put
> a file into, and then run some update script.


> I guess you could do those triggers both by name and by directory,
> but by directory seems more logical.  I currently can't come up with
> examples where you want/need to trigger it by some name.  

Examples I can think of where pathnames aren't a good identifier for
the trigger and you don't want the trigger to be invoked automatically
 - where the only common directory for the triggering files contains
   lots of other unrelated stuff too (eg, running ldconfig as a result
   of putting things in /usr/lib)
 - where the state change which ought to invoke the trigger isn't
   recorded as normal disk files (eg, perhaps it's in a database of
   some kind, or in a daemon which might be running)

> I think it's good that it seems to be defined in a manner that general,
> but some more examples of the other use cases would be great.

I think people with these advanced use cases will be able to figure it

> > Concepts
> > --------
> > Trigger names contain only printing 7-bit ascii characters (no
> > whitespace).  Each trigger kind has a distinct subset of the trigger
> > name space so that the kind can be determined from the name.  After we
> > run out of straightforward syntaxes, we will use <kind>:<details>.
> This is a little confusing.  In the example you mention
> "interest /usr/share/omf".  You defined that as:
> interest <trigger-name>
> So the directory seems to be the same as the trigger name.  [...]

See the complete explanation under `File triggers', further down.

> > If the package is not in state `installed' then it not interested,
> > even if it declares some trigger interests; when a package is
> > deconfigured for any reason, its list of pending triggers is reset.
> So, in your example, if none of the package shipping thoe omf files
> depend on scrollkeeper anymore, it could that it's never triggered.
> So it should during configure probaly do what it normally does during
> the trigger.  Sort of trigger itself.  It might already be doing that,
> but it's probably not a bad thing to document that.

I have demonstrated this in the worked example.

> > It is not defined in what order triggers will run.  dpkg will make
> > some effort to minimise redundant work in the case where many packages
> > have postinst trigger processing activating another package's triggers
> > (for example, by processing triggers in fifo order during a single
> > dpkg run).
> This sounds nice, but I wonder how you're going to know in advance which
> triggers the postinst will trigger.

?  dpkg doesn't need to know in advance.  It just queues up the
activated triggers and executes them in order (as one possible

> > A file trigger is guaranteed to be activated before the file in
> > question is modified by dpkg; on the other hand, a file trigger might
> > be activated even though no file was actually modified.
> I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here.  What do you mean by
> "activated"?

The term `activated' is defined in `Concepts':

  When a trigger is activated, it becomes pending for every package
  which is interested in the trigger at that time.  Each package has a
  list of zero or more pending triggers.  Repeated activation of the
  same trigger has no additional effect.

> I'm also not sure why you guarantee that.

Because otherwise files might be modified without the trigger being
activated (eg, due to dpkg crashing or other strange events).

> >  activate <trigger-name>
> > 
> >     Arranges that any change of the package's state will activate the
> >     specified trigger.  The trigger will be activated just before the
> >     package state changes.
> You don't seem to have mentioned this before.  I have to wonder why
> this is useful.

I haven't mentioned it before because this is the first time this is
mentioned.  Also, the last.  Is there a problem with saying things
only once ?

A document of this nature really needs to be read as a whole.  It's a
specification, not a tutorial, I'm afraid.  I'm not very good at

The idea is that rather than using dpkg-trigger in maintainer scripts,
it's better to put the trigger activation in the declarative triggers
control file.

> The postinst that dh_scrollkeeper generates also checks for
> scrollkeeper-update before using it.  So it doesn't depend on
> scrollkeeper.  I think this is good, so that people that do not want
> scrollkeeper can actually get rid of it.  This also means that it
> should perfectly work for your new gnome package / old debhelper case.

Oh, yes, so I see.  Excellent.

> I think a Recommends scrollkeeper would be better, but with and without
> the triggers. But I think for a proper upgrade you're either going to
> need to depend on a version of scrollkeeper that has the trigger, or use
> conflict/break.

Because dh_scrollkeeper doesn't generate the dependency, making sure
that gnome binary packages declare some relationship to the
triggers-interested scrollkeeper would involve (at least) all of the
updated gnome packages having a Build-Depends on the new debhelper.

This would be very awkward, particularly for backports, and would also
be a considerable amount of effort.

Instead, if we do nothing (which is easy), the bad consequence is
slightly inaccurate documentation registration if the user updates the
gnome packages but not scrollkeeper.  I think this is a good tradeoff.

> > From old dpkg to new dpkg
> > -------------------------
> > 
> > The first time a trigger-supporting dpkg is run on any system, it will
> > activate all triggers in which anyone is interested, immediately.
> How does it know which triggers to activate?  I assume that active means
> put package that have an interest in it in triggered state.

Yes.  It activates _all_ triggers.  This is overzealous of course but

> > These trigger activations will not be processed in the same dpkg run,
> > to avoid unexpectedly processing triggers while attempting an
> > unrelated operation.  dpkg --configure --pending (and not other dpkg
> > operations) will run the triggers, and the dpkg postinst will warn the
> > user about the need to run it.
> I'm guessing I'm missing something because I don't see why it needs to be
> delayed.

Because a user who does an update run one week and then the next week
   dpkg -i something.deb
doesn't expect the system to suddenly decide to reexamine all of its
innards for no readily apparent reason!

> > To use this correctly:
> >  * Packages which are interested in triggers, or which want to
> >     explicitly activate triggers, should Depend on the
> >     triggers-supporting version of dpkg.
> So you basicy want to have this in lenny, and etch's dpkg shouldn't
> support this?  I think you're making the upgrade path harder than it
> should be.

Much as I'm a sceptic about Debian release dates, I don't think this
feature will be implemented in time for etch :-).  How do you think
the upgrade path can be improved ?

> I'm also not sure what happens now if dpkg uprades dpkg, which might
> explain why I don't understand some of the above things.

Nothing particularly special happens if dpkg upgrades dpkg.


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