> So, I have a couple of questions: Who (if anybody) is working on dpkg > at the moment? Is more help needed at the moment? When Scott decided to lower his involvment in March or April, he handed the maintenance to a couple of DD's who, at some moment, involved themselves in dpkg maintenance: -Frank Lichtenheld -Guillem Jover -Brendan O'Dea -myself Speaking for myself, I was mostly handling the i18n/l10n part which essentially consists in dealing with translation updates. Not a very big part, indeed, and definitely no code maintenance. The team auto-organized itself, without much coordination (not a criticism, mostly a fact). The most visible part of work has been done by Guillem with a few achievments (which he probably can described better than myself). The repository has been moved back to a SVN repository on Alioth, mostly because most of us felt more comfortable with centralized development, at least for the time things could get organized. In short, dpkg is in correct shape for etch. I think that Frank has some long-term views but essentially delays them for post-etch. Nicolas François informally joined us and will certainly be of great help in long-term code maintenance. He's also taking over the maintenance of l10n which leaves myself without special involvment (which is not a problem...:-)) Bruce Sass recently popped up and began some bug cleaning mostly on dselect issues There has also been, IIRC, some exchanges with Ian Jackson. Probably more could be done here. In short, the manpower is more or less here but probably not enough organized. We probably need someone to stand up, act as a team leader and drive dpkg development. This is not vital now...but could become vital after the release of etch. 1 or 2 more contributors would certainly be welcomed....after we have solved this leadership issue. There is probably a lot more to say, indeed but I wanted to give you my own views after something like 2 years lurking on dpkg development. Thanks anyway for bringing that topic, Steve....
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