Re: Creating UDEBS
"Matt Proud" writes...
> Hello,
> I have been stricken by a need to modify the Debian installer slightly
> to provide for automatic backups of existing disk partitions in the
> context of a preseeded auto-installer. From what I have seen, the d-i
> installer components are provided in the form of udebs.
Frans Pop gave a good tutorial on this at debconf6,
There is a video of the talk at,
More video formats at,
A google search on the talk title turned up the slides,
I suspect there might be additional documentation on this stuff, maybe someone
else on the list knows?
I found this in the wiki
maybe you can fix it up as you become a udeb expert :)
If you still need help the debian-boot list might be a good place to ask too
as they are the primary udeb users.
Matt Taggart
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