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small bug un start-stop-daemon

I have notice a case where start-stop daemon is blocking what should work.

I have to start a service called for example : dangerous

So i build a chroot in something like /var/chroot/dangerous

Then I build the tree :
|-- bin
|   |-- false
|   `-- dangerous
|-- etc
|   |-- resolv.conf
|   `-- dangerous
|       |-- dbconfig
|       |-- logs
|       |   `-- net_out.log
|       |-- plugins
|       |   `-- libluaplugin.so
|       |-- scripts
|       |   |-- start.lua
|       |   |-- sometext.txt
|       `-- triggers
|           |-- happy
|           |-- linux
|           |-- lol
|           |-- moon
|           |-- house
|           |-- mouse
|           `-- wazzup
|-- lib
|   |-- ld-linux.so.2
|   |-- libGeoIP.so.1
|   |-- libc.so.6
|   |-- libcrypt.so.1
|   |-- libcrypto.so.0.9.7
|   |-- libdl.so.2
|   |-- libgcc_s.so.1
|   |-- liblua50.so.5.0
|   |-- liblualib50.so.5.0
|   |-- libluasocket.so.2.0
|   |-- libm.so.6
|   |-- libmysqlclient.so.12
|   |-- libnsl.so.1
|   |-- libnss_dns.so.2
|   |-- libpcre.so.3
|   |-- libpthread.so.0
|   |-- libresolv.so.2
|   |-- libssl.so.0.9.7
|   |-- libstdc++.so.5
|   |-- libverlihub.so.0
|   |-- libvhapi.so.0
|   `-- libz.so.1
`-- usr
    `-- share
        |-- GeoIP
        |   `-- GeoIP.dat
        `-- lua50
            `-- luasocket.lua

Then I try to start my program with a :
start-stop-daemon --start --chroot /var/chroot/dangerous -c verlihub:nogroup --exec /bin/dangerous

And I get a start-stop-daemon: stat /bin/dangerous: No such file or directory

It'a a few stupid no ?
I strace it ans see that the check if binary exist is done before the chroot and it will never works if the binary is not present at same place in the system...

I made a small change, if it could be included in next release of dpkg it would be great

--- utils/start-stop-daemon.c.bak       2004-11-11 04:16:35.000000000 +0100
+++ utils/start-stop-daemon.c   2005-07-17 17:27:43.633164200 +0200
@@ -1156,8 +1156,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        argc -= optind;
        argv += optind;

-       if (execname && stat(execname, &exec_stat))
-               fatal("stat %s: %s", execname, strerror(errno));
+       if (changeroot == NULL) {
+               if (execname && stat(execname, &exec_stat))
+                       fatal("stat %s: %s", execname, strerror(errno));
+       }

        if (userspec && sscanf(userspec, "%d", &user_id) != 1) {
                struct passwd *pw;
@@ -1259,6 +1261,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                        fatal("Unable to chdir() to %s", changeroot);
                if (chroot(changeroot) < 0)
                        fatal("Unable to chroot() to %s", changeroot);
+               if (execname && stat(execname, &exec_stat))
+                       fatal("stat %s: %s", execname, strerror(errno));
        if (chdir(changedir) < 0)
                fatal("Unable to chdir() to %s", changedir);

ps : I don't wan't to try braking my sarge by upgrading my version of dpkg to a personal one, so if an updated package with could be avaible on (even if) an unofficial mirror I would be happy...

ps2 : maybe a nocheck option that avoid check of process and so on could avoid such trouble in future...

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