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Bug#309498: dpkg: install not allowed due to the difference of the arch_name & system_name of the same platform ; -(

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 01:34 +0900, Jung-hoon Han wrote:

> I tried compile of java-gnome package libraries to develop java-gnome
> based software. as the Sun's JDK related packages were not allowed as of
> proprietary license. So did so as debian way(compile & packaging them).
> finally I run like follows:
> (myMachine):libgtk-java-2.6.2# env LANG=C dpkg -i libgtk-java-2.6.2_2.6.2-1_x86_64.deb
How did you manage to generate a deb for the "x86_64" architecture?
dpkg has never supported an architecture of that name.  The Debian name
for the architecture is "amd64".

> because the AMD64 (cpu) architecture was known as x86_64
>(also in pure64 port Debian/GNU distro).  but the cpu_name(or
> brandname?) was amd64, dpkg misunderstood they were different
> platform.
This sounds like a wishlist for "architecture aliases".

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?

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