Bug#252657: marked as done ("[DPKG-DEV] support arch-specific Depends")
Your message dated Fri, 18 Mar 2005 14:20:48 +0000
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and subject line Bug#252657: dpkg-dev: [arch]-specific Depends broken (see #170575)
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 4 Jun 2004 15:37:05 +0000
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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 17:36:58 +0200
From: Andreas Metzler <ametzler@logic.univie.ac.at>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: dpkg-dev: [arch]-specific Depends broken (see #170575)
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Package: dpkg-dev
Version: 1.10.22
Severity: important
| dpkg (1.10.11) unstable; urgency=low
| * All dependency fields parsed by controllib.pl support [arch]
| specifiers. If the arch specifier doesn't apply for the current
| arch, then the item will not be added to the internal list structure.
| [...]
| * Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>:
| Allow for per-arch generated dependency fields. Closes: #170575
This does not work (anymore), dpkg will generate a package without
*any* depends if e.g.
"Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, debconf,grub[i386]"
is used in debian/control.
cu andreas
PS: Thanks to Andrew Suffield for pointing out that this is supposed
to work.
Received: (at 252657-done) by bugs.debian.org; 18 Mar 2005 14:20:58 +0000
>From scott@netsplit.com Fri Mar 18 06:20:58 2005
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Subject: Re: Bug#252657: dpkg-dev: [arch]-specific Depends broken (see
From: Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>
To: 252657-done@bugs.debian.org, Andreas Metzler <ametzler@logic.univie.ac.at>
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Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 14:20:48 +0000
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severity 252657 wishlist
retitle 252657 "[DPKG-DEV] support arch-specific Depends"
On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 17:36 +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> | dpkg (1.10.11) unstable; urgency=3Dlow
> | * All dependency fields parsed by controllib.pl support [arch]
> | specifiers. If the arch specifier doesn't apply for the current
> | arch, then the item will not be added to the internal list struct=
> | [...]
> | * Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>:
> | Allow for per-arch generated dependency fields. Closes: #17057=
> This does not work (anymore), dpkg will generate a package without
> *any* depends if e.g.
> "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, debconf,grub[i386]"
> is used in debian/control.
This has nothing to do with regexs; this is simply that arch-specific
dependencies are not permitted in anything but Build-*.
Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen? Are you going round the twist?
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