Bug#290340: marked as done (boost: upgrading from 1.31.0 to 1.32.0 makes disappear some files)
Your message dated Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:11:09 +0000
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 13 Jan 2005 17:03:25 +0000
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Subject: [libboost-thread-dev] Missing header files
From: Jonathan Brandmeyer <jdbrandm@unity.ncsu.edu>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:03:21 -0500
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Subject: [libboost-thread-dev] Missing header files
Package: libboost-thread-dev
Version: 1.32.0-2
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
*** Please type your report below this line ***
libboost-thread-dev is missing most of the header files that are
to be able to use the package. Only boost/thread.hpp,
boost/thread/barrier.hpp, and boost/thread/read_write_mutex.hpp and
boost/thread/detail/*.hpp are there.
The following files are missing:
These files comprise most of the public API and are required for use of
the package.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
APT prefers unstable
APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.4.27-2-686-smp
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Versions of packages libboost-thread-dev depends on:
ii libboost-dev 1.32.0-2 Boost.org libraries
development fi
ii libboost-thread1.32.0 1.32.0-2 portable C++
-- no debconf information
Received: (at 290333-done) by bugs.debian.org; 12 Mar 2005 22:11:13 +0000
>From scott@netsplit.com Sat Mar 12 14:11:12 2005
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Subject: Re: reassigning 290333 to dpkg
From: Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>
To: Domenico Andreoli <cavok@debian.org>
Cc: 290340-done@bugs.debian.org, 290333-done@bugs.debian.org
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Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:11:09 +0000
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On Sat, 2005-03-12 at 12:18 +0100, Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> i'm sorry to not have reassigned this before. the bug continue to hit
> under some condition i'm still missing to figure out.
Closing this bug; it looks like these files were moved from libboost-dev
to libboost-thread-dev.
Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen? Are you going round the twist?
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