Bug#4628: First.Merit Important Account Information
Dear Valued FirstMerit Member, 783771289
Online Support is reminding you that on 09, March 2005 our Banking Review =
Team identified some unusual activity in your Debit Card account. In accor=
dance with FirstMerit National Association's Agreement and to assure that =
your online account hasn't been compromised, internet access to your accou=
nt was limited. Your online access will remain limited until this question=
has been solved. Banking support advise you to log in and fulfill the ste=
ps necessary to give back your account access immediately. Allowing your o=
nline access to stay blocked for an extended period of time may result in =
further restrictions on the use of your bank account and possible account =
FirstMerit Bank, is committed to maintaining a safe environment for our on=
line customers. To defend the safety of your account access, employs some =
of the most progressive security systems in the world and our anti-fraud g=
roups regularly screen the Bank system for unusual activity.
This is safety measures meant to help protect you and your account integri=
ty. Thank you for your prompt attention to this question. We apologize for=
any inconvenience.
FirstMerit National Association, Online Account Support(PR).
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