Bug#273489: [patch] This is triggered by mtink as well
tags 273489 patch
I've stumbled over the same bug with the mtink package. Please consider
attached patch for inclusion. From my reading of policy the regexps
should permit it, if you disagree please tell me, so that the control
files of the respective packages can be fixed instead.
diff -Naur dpkg-1.10.27.orig/scripts/controllib.pl dpkg-1.10.27/scripts/controllib.pl
--- dpkg-1.10.27.orig/scripts/controllib.pl 2005-02-10 16:24:18.000000000 +0100
+++ dpkg-1.10.27/scripts/controllib.pl 2005-03-07 00:08:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
foreach my $dep_or (split(/\s*\|\s*/m, $dep_and)) {
my ($package, $relation, $version);
$package = $1 if ($dep_or =~ s/^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9+._-]*)\s*//m);
- ($relation, $version) = ($1, $2) if ($dep_or =~ s/^\((=|<=|>=|<<?|>>?)\s*([^)]+).*\)\s*//m);
+ ($relation, $version) = ($1, $2) if ($dep_or =~ s/^\(\ *(=|<=|>=|<<?|>>?)\s*([^)]+).*\)\s*//m);
my @arches = split(/\s+/m, $1) if ($use_arch && $dep_or =~ s/^\[([^]]+)\]\s*//m);
if ($reduce_arch && @arches) {
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