Processed: Re: Bug#294073: apt: [apt-get] Add new command (R) to resolve upgrade diffs
Processing commands for
> reassign 294073 dpkg
Bug#294073: [CONFFILE] add 'R' command to resolve diffs with external program
Bug#32877: [CONFFILE] Cleverer conffile merge
Bug#48717: [CONFFILE] dpkg: could be more useful wrt conffile diffs
Bug#120152: [CONFFILE] dpkg: Merge changes to conffiles in with sdiff(1)
Bug#189805: improvment: use of sdiff to merge configuration-files
Bug#247336: allow viewing diff of configuration file changes
Bug#268154: [DPKG] should offer configurable diff/merge program
Bug#290854: [CONFFILE] add conflict options to start an editor or start a merge
Bug reassigned from package `dpkg' to `dpkg'.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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