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Bug#270031: dpkg.8.gz: add examples for --status-fd

You'll have to give me real life examples.

$ dpkg --status-fd 1 #bad
$ dpkg --status-fd 1 -l|sum
45844   106
$ dpkg -l|sum
45844   106
$  dpkg --status-fd 1 apt-move
dpkg: need an action option

OK, then the man page should say

              --status-fd <n> <action option>

Scott> ?!  The manual page is pretty clear:

Scott>        --status-fd <n>
Scott>               Send  package  status  info to file descriptor <n>.  This
Scott>               can be given multiple times.  Status updates are  of  the
Scott>               form ʽstatus: <pkg>: <pkg qstate>ʼ.

Scott> <n> in this case should obviously be a file descriptor you have opened
Scott> for write, and have some way of reading from.  It could be a file or a
Scott> pipe, or some other exotic construct.

Scott> If you want a cheap example, try 1 (stdout) or 2 (stderr).

yes '--status-fd 2', '--status-fd 1' but what else goes on the command line???
Sorry.  Can't figure out how this is used. Maybe it is just 1>&2 1>&3
etc. but if so then it would just be called --fd, not --status-fd, so
there must be something more to it.

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