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Ideas for the future of the Debian package system

I'd like to present some ideas I have for the future of the Debian
package system.  I should mention that I'm not a DD, and I've only
recently subscribed to this list (though I've searched the archives), so
if this sort of thing has been discussed already, or if these
suggestions conflict with existing plans that I'm not aware of, I

One thing that's always seemed a bit clunky in Debian is the number of
mutually-exclusive binary packages built from the same source package
which differ only in the set of compile-time options used.  For example,
look at emacs21 vs. emacs21-nox, or exim4-daemon-light vs.
exim4-daemon-heavy.  These provide a coarse degree of control over which
optional features are included in a package, but what if I want, for
example, a version of Exim that includes LDAP and PostgreSQL support,
but not MySQL or Perl?

This desire for a finer level of control over optional features
immedately brings to mind the system of "USE flags" used in Gentoo.  For
those who aren't familiar with this system, a brief summary:  you
specify, in a configuration file, a string of keywords such as "alsa
python ssl X" which identify optional features that should be enabled
when building packages.  For example, when you install Emacs, its X11
support will be built if the keyword "X" is present in your USE string;
otherwise, it will be left out.  IMO, this system has some maturing to
do before it's really robust (which is part of why I don't use Gentoo),
but the underlying idea is an excellent one, and I believe it can be
adapted to the Debian way of doing things without requring major changes
to the distribution (such as switching to a source-based model like

What if we were to add Gentoo-like "feature keywords" to Debian source
packages?  For example, instead of having two binary packages
"exim4-daemon-light" and "exim4-daemon-heavy", there would be one binary
package, "exim4-daemon", having feature keywords "ldap, mysql, perl,
pgsql".  When you install this package, you specify the set of optional
features you want enabled.

At this point you're probably thinking, that means building 16 (2^4)
binary packages for Exim, one for each possible combination.  There are
indeed 16 packages that *could* be built, but we don't actually have to
build all of them:  the maintainer chooses a few feature sets that cover
most users' needs (in this case, the "light" feature set which includes
none of the optional features, and the "heavy" feature set which
includes all of them) and produces and tests binary packages for these
configurations.  Users can install one of these, or they can specify a
different set of optional features, and apt (aptitude, synaptic, etc.)
downloads the source package and builds exim4-daemon with the requested
feature set.  (In the latter case, the user should probably be warned
that this is an untested configuration, and that the compilation may
take a long time.)

Depending on how the metadata and notation for specifying optional
features are defined, "exim4-daemon-light" and "exim4-daemon-heavy" can
either be directly interpreted as referring to configurations of the
"exim4-daemon" package, or (more likely) be recast as dummy packages
which depend on "exim4-daemon" with the appropriate feature set.

This change would not require configuration changes in existing
installations; if you're not taking advantage of the new functionality
then you don't have to do anything differently.  No change would be
needed in most packages either; only packages which have several
variants would need to be updated to use the new system, and even that
isn't required if the maintainer thinks it wouldn't be a good idea.  In
essence, I'm proposing a way to have variant packages be created
implicitly using feature flags, rather than being defined manually by
the maintainer, to allow more fine-grained control of which optional
features are included in a package.

I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts on the feasibility (and
desirability) of making this change.

Michael Paul

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