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Question on dpkg


I have been using Debian for quite some time now. I was running
the unstable version till recently, and got into a small snag
with perl. I had perl 5.8, and I got into some problems with
installing certain software because of dependency
problems (perlapi-5.6.1 was required) which no longer
exists. Instead of trying to fix that problem.. I just took a
back up of what I needed and chose to reinstall debian from
scratch. Mainly because this time, I wanted to control what I
could install. I got my net install iso (bootbf2.4.iso) from

I then did a base install. after which I thought about putting in
kde3 directly. after going halfway thru with this, I changed my
mind and I wanted to remove the packages which were
installed. after looking things up, I found I can just do a 
'dpkg -l' for a list of installed packages. I then removed all
packages listed in the given lisitng. But later when I did a 
'dpkg -l' again, I could still see the kde packages which I had
removed. Why is this? Is there a way to clear the removed

Thanks in advance


      (o o)
I'm on the late train I've got a first-class ticket on the non-stop to nowhere where it takes me, I don't know-


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