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Bug#181189: dpkg does not notice symlinks in /usr/local

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 12:33, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> If a directory that dpkg wants to create when installing a package already
> exists as a symlink, it treats it the same as if it was a directory. When
> in /usr/local this is not correct behaviour and could cause problems.

Firstly when not dealing with /usr/local this mode of operation is definately 
desired.  I've had lots of machines that end up with /usr/src being a link to 
/home/src, /var/log being a link to /usr/log, and all sort of other weird 
things.  Having dpkg break these is not acceptable.

I don't think that /usr/local deserves different treatment.

> If for some reason when this package comes to be installed, share/ already
> exists as a symlink to another directory, the zsh stuff will be put in
> that directory. This can happen in certain circumstances when using stow.

How is this a problem?  If /usr/local takes too much space to fit on one file 
system and you make /usr/local/share a link to a different one then surely 
dpkg should respect this.

If stow doesn't do things you like in this regard then surely the problem is 
with stow.

Why not just build Debian packages instead of using stow?

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