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Re: Debian on the Sharp Zaurus/SL-5xxx

Previously Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> But this should only happen if this feature is actually in use, correct?  So
> it won't penalize anyone who isn't using it.

Unless it is implemented really stupidly, yes.

> Wouldn't it be possible to include a new control file containing the
> necessary information?

That's the basic plan indeed.

> I can just remove them after dpkg runs.

Provided dpkg stores them in a place where you can remove them.

> - when removing a package, the symlink is removed, and the directory at the
>   destination remains.  This doesn't particularly bother me, either, but I
>   am wondering if this is intentional.

I would need to check the source. Remind one once dpkg 1.10 is out,
I intend to refactor that code for 1.11 anyway.


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