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Bug#162348: Build tools don't support non-standard admin directory

Package: dpkg
Version: 1.10.6

I'm trying to use dpkg to build and package software for the VR3 Linux PDA. To 
do so, I need to install the package on the host relative to some base 
directory, I also need to keep the package admin data for these PDA files 

Some of the dpkg tools support switches like --admindir to specify the 
relevant directories, but there are a number of holes:

1. dpkg does not pass the admin directory to dpkg-query

2. dpkg-buildpackage doesn't allow to specify the admin directory, which is 
required for dpkg-parsechangelog and dpkg-checkbuilddeps

3. dpkg-checkbuilddeps does't have a switch to specify the admin directory

The attached patch addresses these issues:

#1 by passing the admin directory to dpkg-query; the fix is quite horrible, 
but I couldn't think of a straightforward way to influence how execbackend 
passes switches to its tools.

#2 by adding a new switch "-y <admindir>" (I couldn't find any mnemonic 
single-character name), and passing tis value on.

#3 by adding a -admindir switch to dpkb-checkbuilddeps

I would appreciate if these fixes would make it into the main dpkg 

Many regards,


--- dpkg-1.10.6/main/main.c.orig2	Sat Sep 21 20:33:27 2002
+++ dpkg-1.10.6/main/main.c	Sat Sep 21 20:34:50 2002
@@ -428,28 +428,65 @@
   {  0,                   0                                                          }
 void execbackend(const char *const *argv) {
   char **nargv;
-  int i, argc = 1;
+  int i, argc = 0;
+  int extra=0, start;
   const char *const *arg = argv;
-  while(*arg != 0) { arg++; argc++; }
-  nargv= malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + 2));
+  if (strcmp(cipaction->parg, DPKGQUERY)==0) {
+      extra=1;
+  }
+  /* Count # of arguments */
+  while(*arg != 0) { arg++; argc++; }
+  /* Allocate buffer for argument vector, with 3 extras (one for
+     argv[0], one for cipaction->olong, one for the admindir
+     switch */
+  nargv= malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + 2+extra));
+  /* Old line: I believe this was a bug?!?
+     nargv= malloc(sizeof(char *) * argc + 2);
+  */
   if (!nargv) ohshite(_("couldn't malloc in execbackend"));
+  /* argv[0] is the name of the tool */
   nargv[0]= strdup(cipaction->parg);
   if (!nargv[0]) ohshite(_("couldn't strdup in execbackend"));
+  /* argv[1] is the olong argument; add 3 to size for '--' and 
+     terminating 0 */
   nargv[1]= malloc(strlen(cipaction->olong) + 3);
   if (!nargv[1]) ohshite(_("couldn't malloc in execbackend"));
   strcpy(nargv[1], "--");
   strcat(nargv[1], cipaction->olong);
-  for (i= 2; i <= argc; i++) {
-    nargv[i]= strdup(argv[i-2]);
+  if (extra) {
+      /* argv[2] is --admindir=<admindir>, in case we're not using
+	 the default /var/lib/dpkg */
+#define ADMINDIR_SWITCH "--admindir="
+      nargv[2]=malloc(strlen(ADMINDIR_SWITCH)+strlen(admindir)+1);
+      if (!nargv[2]) ohshite(_("couldn't malloc in execbackend"));
+      strcpy(nargv[2], ADMINDIR_SWITCH);
+      strcat(nargv[2], admindir);
+      start=3;
+  } else 
+      start=2;
+  /* Copy remaining arguments from argv vectors */
+  for (i= start; i < argc+start; i++) {
+    nargv[i]= strdup(argv[i-start]);
     if (!nargv[i]) ohshite(_("couldn't strdup in execbackend"));
   nargv[i]= 0;
+  /* Horrido! */
   execvp(cipaction->parg, nargv);
   ohshite(_("failed to exec %s"),(char *)cipaction->parg);
 void commandfd(const char *const *argv) {
   jmp_buf ejbuf;
   struct varbuf linevb;
--- dpkg-1.10.6/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.sh.orig2	Sat Sep 21 20:33:11 2002
+++ dpkg-1.10.6/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.sh	Sat Sep 21 20:33:30 2002
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 	 -d            do not check build dependencies and conflicts
 	 -D            check build dependencies and conflicts
+	 -y<dir>       admin directory to use for build dependency 
+		       checking (if different from /var/lib/dpkg)
 	 -k<keyid>     the key to use for signing
          -sgpg         the sign-command is called like GPG
          -spgp         the sign-command is called like PGP 
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
 while [ $# != 0 ]
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@
 	-k*)	signkey="$value" ;;
 	-d)	checkbuilddep=false ;;
 	-D)	checkbuilddep=true ;;
+	-y*)    admindir="$value" ;;
 	-sgpg)  forcesigninterface=gpg ;;
 	-spgp)  forcesigninterface=pgp ;;
 	-us)	signsource=: ;;
@@ -141,11 +145,17 @@
 dirn="`basename \"$curd\"`"
-mustsetvar package "`dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Source: //p'`" "source package"
-mustsetvar version "`dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Version: //p'`" "source version"
+if [ -z "$admindir" ]; then
+  pclargs=""
+  pclargs="-L$admindir/../dpkg/parsechangelog"
+mustsetvar package "`dpkg-parsechangelog $pclargs | sed -n 's/^Source: //p'`" "source package"
+mustsetvar version "`dpkg-parsechangelog $pclargs | sed -n 's/^Version: //p'`" "source version"
 if [ -n "$changedby" ]; then maintainer="$changedby"; 
 elif [ -n "$maint" ]; then maintainer="$maint"; 
-else mustsetvar maintainer "`dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Maintainer: //p'`" "source maintainer"; fi
+else mustsetvar maintainer "`dpkg-parsechangelog $pclargs | sed -n 's/^Maintainer: //p'`" "source maintainer"; fi
 eval `dpkg-architecture -a${targetarch} -t${targetgnusystem} -s -f`
 if [ x$sourceonly = x ]; then
@@ -176,6 +186,9 @@
 if [ "$checkbuilddep" = "true" ]; then
+	if [ "$admindir" != "" ]; then
+		checkbuilddep_args="$checkbuilddep_args -admindir=$admindir"
+	fi
 	if ! dpkg-checkbuilddeps $checkbuilddep_args; then
 		echo >&2 "$progname: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting."
 		echo >&2 "$progname: (Use -d flag to override.)"
--- dpkg-1.10.6/scripts/dpkg-checkbuilddeps.pl.orig2	Sat Sep 21 20:32:58 2002
+++ dpkg-1.10.6/scripts/dpkg-checkbuilddeps.pl	Sat Sep 21 20:33:30 2002
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 sub usage {
 	print STDERR <<EOF;
-Usage: dpkg-checkbuild [-B] [control-file]
-	-B		binary-only, ignore -Indep
+Usage: dpkg-checkbuilddeps [-B] [-admindir=dir] [control-file]
+	-B		  binary-only, ignore -Indep
+	-admindir <dir>  Specify dpkg db dir, default /var/lib/dpkg
 	control-file	control file to process [Default: debian/control]
@@ -16,8 +17,10 @@
 my $binary_only=0;
 my $want_help=0;
+my $admindir="/var/lib/dpkg";
 if (! GetOptions('-B' => \$binary_only,
-		 '-h' => \$want_help)) {
+		 '-h' => \$want_help,
+                 '-admindir=s' => \$admindir)) {
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@
 my $control=shift || "debian/control";
 open (CONTROL, $control) || die "$control: $!\n";
-my @status=parse_status();
+my @status=parse_status("$admindir/status");
 my (@unmet, @conflicts);
 local $/='';
 my $cdata=<CONTROL>;

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