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install-info rewrite

   It doesn't sound that hopeful that the regex problems in
perl will likely get fixed soon...


Assuming that is true, could we take the suggestion from the message
about and where we currently have apparently something of the form...

 $_ = "* foo: (bar) baz.\n" x 8192;
 for my $n (582..4096)
     print "$n OK\n" if /(\*\s*[^:]+:\s*\(([^\)]+)\).*\. *.*\n){$n}/;

...in install-info, change that to be of the form...


$_ = "* foo: (bar) baz.\n" x 8192;

   my $rx = qr/(\*\s*[^:]+:\s*\(([^\)]+)\).*\. *.*\n)/;
   if (/$rx/g) {
      for my $n (2..581) {
           last OUTER unless /\G$rx/g;
      for my $n (582..4096)
        last OUTER unless /\G$rx/g;
         print "$n OK\n"

Yes I know I'm a moron and that code doesn't exist explicitly in
that form in install-info. However it is proof of concept for the

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