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Bug#152231: dselect: dselect select horribly broken!

severity 152231 important
tags 152231 pending
merge 152137 152231

Previously Lazarus Long wrote:
> Debatable whether "the whole system" is currently broken, but obviously
> there will be no security (or other) upgrades while this is broken.

Not true, there are a bunch of other methods to install those. Also
sid doesn't get security updates anyway so the point is moot.

Finally, is it really that hard to check if perhaps someone else already
filed this bugreport? A 10-second check on
http://bugs.debian.org/dselect would have told you that two people
already submitted the exact same bugreport. All these duplicates are
quite frustrating.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
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