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Bug#151531: dselect UTF-8 bug not fixed

Previously Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> Well, strictly speaking, "not UTF-8-aware" itself is NOT a bug.  However,
> "not obeying LC_CTYPE locale" is a bug.  In UTF-8 locales, softwares
> must work in UTF-8.

One can argue if it is a bug or a missing feature. At the moment
dpkg clearly does not support LC_CTYPE or any other form of locale
support (beyond what gettext does).

We also said a while ago that we would add proper locale support
to dpkg. Until then if you want to help please work on translating
the documentation or stress-test dpkg 1.10.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
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