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Bug#145595: dpkg: --force-overwrite is supposed to be on for releases

> > If you want force-overwrite turned off only on request, why not
> > it to on in dpkg and then tell developers to edit dpkg.cfg and turn
> > off?
> That's a good question. Maybe we should change our answer. The easiest
> way to do so is by uploading a new base-config. Joey, would you object
> to an NMU to do so?

No, no... This is still wrong, IMO.  dpkg.cfg is a dpkg-handled conffile
(oh, the irony), and shouldn't be touched by any package's config, least
of all, one that isn't dpkg itself.

If we can all agree that the default for "normal users" (and I'm not
sure there's even close to a consensus here, but let's pretend for the
moment that there is) should be --force-overwrite, then dpkg should be
shipping this conffile in THAT state, and we should be telling
developers to edit the file on their own to change the default.

Steve (whom I've CC'd) has a handy dandy script that would facilitate
rebuilding the well-tested version of dpkg without having to recompile
anything, one could just pop in the new conffile, and we'd be on our

Given that the "average user" probably has never (and will never) touch
the dpkg conffile, this seems like an ideal thing to do, as it will get
upgraded seamlessly.  Any user who HAS touched that conffile presumably
knows what it's for, and can therefore change it themselves at their

... Adam

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