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Bug#145595: dpkg: --force-overwrite is supposed to be on for releases

Previously Joey Hess wrote:
> If the change is put into base-config, it is going to return to bother
> us when we want to have plenty of unstable systems later on with
> --force-overwrite turned off. If it's all done in dpkg, a new dpkg in
> unstable can turn the force-overwrite off easily, but there is no
> similar upgrade path for base-config. 

We did think about that but decided we would rather have people make
a conscious choice to toggle that flag. Normal users who track stable or
testing should have it turned on, and developers and people who track
unstable hould have it turned off.

Note how a single file overlap now tends to result in multiple
bugreports. By only letting developers disable force-overwrite the
chances of such a multitude of duplicate bugreports is greatly


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