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Re: Bug#140590: groff: Error at install

Previously Alain Tesio wrote:
> [pid  4645] rename("/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm", "/var/lib/dpkg/info//groff.postrm") = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)

Looking at the manpage there are 3 situations that can cause this:

* /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci has the sticky bit sit and dpkg is not running
  with the euid of /var/lig/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm
* /var/lib/dpkg/info has the sticky bit and dpkg runs with a different
  euid than the owner of /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm
* the filesystem doesn't support the rename

None of these can occur: the first two can't because dpkg is running as
root, and the 3rd can't happen with ext3.

This looks like a kernel bug.


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