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E: read, still have 1 to read but none left

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E: read, still have 1 to read but none left

update available list script returned error exit status 100.

This is the error message I am getting while doing an update in dselect
- here is what I am trying to do:

I have a local ftp debian archive, in which I have put some custom .debs
that customise our departmental linux systems. The debs work fine, and
apt-get is able to find them, install and upgrade them. Dselect,
however, dies with this error (the error comes from apt-cache) whenever
my local ftp source is in the sources.list.

Any ideas? What might I be doing wrong with my ftp archive, Packages
file, etc, that might cause such an error? This is important, as I want
to use my custom debs (a task package to install a default set of
packages) during the install. 

BTW, I put my debs in dists/stable/contrib/binary-i386/ and these are
the only debs on my local archive. 

Thanks all,

Kenneth Lett	Office - ECE 236
ECE Support	Pager - 766-9345

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