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Re: rpm to dpkg

From what I can tell from reading about alien, that is used to convert a single package to another package. I want to stop using rpms all together and use dpkgs.

I have gotten dpkg installed on my redhat box but problem that I am running into is that dpkg does not know what is installed on the box. It is my understanding about dpkg is that the info is kept in the status file. Is there a way to update the status file with what is in the rpm datadase?

Tim Wolgemuth

At 11:28 PM 11/10/00 +0100, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
Previously Tim Wolgemuth wrote:
> I would like to convert from using rpm to using dpkg. Do you guys have any
> suggestions in doing so.  I am using Redhat 6.2.

grab alien from http://kitenet.net/


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