Bug#6871: marked as done (dpkg-dev: dpkg-source and final newlines)
Your message dated Fri, 30 Jun 2000 17:25:51 -0700
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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
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somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 27 Jan 1997 22:06:50 +0000
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Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 17:02:12 -0500 (EST)
From: joey@kite.ml.org (Joey Hess)
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: dpkg-dev: dpkg-source and final newlines
Package: dpkg-dev
I have a upstream source package that is shipped with a file that lacks
final newline. This presents problems because of the way dpkg-source deals
with files w/o a final newline. If I try to unpack the package with
dpkg-source, I get this error:
dpkg-source: error: diff contains unknown line `\ No newline at end of file'
I think I have 3 ways to correct this in my package:
1. Ask the upstream maintainer to put out a new version of the package with
all files having a final newline. This seems like imposing debian's
limitations on others, and I'd rather not.
2. Edit the .orig.tar.gz and add the final newline. But then the
.orig.tar.gz will not be original, unmodified source. So I'd prefer not to
do this.
3. Don't modify any files that lack final newlines. Treat them asbinary
files, which can't be touched.
I'm going with option #3 for now, but I'm very unhappy with it. I hope that
dpkg-source can be changed to be more forgiving of this situation.
Received: (at 6871-done) by bugs.debian.org; 1 Jul 2000 00:25:53 +0000
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Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 17:25:51 -0700
From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
To: control@bugs.debian.org
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Subject: fix submitter address
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# Cleaning up my really old bug reports. Mostly fixing orignator address
# to a working email, and also just closing some that are fixed now.
close 5712
reopen 5712 !
close 6394
reopen 6394 !
close 8204
reopen 8204 !
close 10106
reopen 10106 !
close 10949
reopen 10949 !
close 10950
reopen 10950 !
close 10964
reopen 10964 !
close 11047
reopen 11047 !
close 11174
reopen 11174 !
close 12254
reopen 12254 !
close 13116
reopen 13116 !
close 13180
reopen 13180 !
close 13884
reopen 13884 !
close 13985
reopen 13985 !
close 5890
reopen 5890 !
close 5956
reopen 5956 !
close 7059
reopen 7059 jmr@everest.radiology.uiowa.edu (Joe Reinhardt)
close 13580
reopen 13580 !
close 57154
reopen 57154 !
close 57504
reopen 57504 !
close 57153
reopen 57153 !
see shy jo
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