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circular dependencies.. possible fix


I'm not sure this is the right place to send something like this
but I'll try it anyway.

I experienced a very ugly dpkg behaviour when trying to install
cmucl and cmucl-small. There seems to be an apropriate bug filed
already so I did not do anything in that direction. As there was
no fix available anyware I decided to look into it on my own and
it seems to have worked out quite well.

When dpkg tries to configure cmucl it notices a missing dependency
to cmucl-small (well actually it's lisp-core) and gets delayed.
Next dpkg attempts to install cmucl-small but notices the dependency
to cmucl.  Normally this would either result in an endless loop or
a fatal, non-descriptive error through assert().

In my approach I utilize a simple table with information on the
dependency between packages. The table would look like the following
at run-time for the above example:

     cmucl -> cmucl-small
     cmucl-small -> cmucl

At installation time dpkg now checks every delayed, newly installed
package wether it fits together to an endless dependency loop.
That's what checkfor_dependency_loop() does. The code talks by it's
self, I hope.

The de-installation part seems a bit more unclear to me and I can
not guarantee that it actually works under all circumstances as I
am not sure where to place the apropriate checkfor_dependency_loop()
call. It seems to work for me at the moment, but maybe I broke
something at the same time. Could someone with more insight to the
dpkg functionality please take a look?

At the moment, the loop detection function will make the active
queue package pretend to have all dependencies fullfilled as soon
as a loop is deteced. This can easily replaced with something else
if it seems too risky, but I do not see a real alternative. All
dependencies can not be satisfied in such a case so a bit unsafe
behaviour is always necessary. Well.. of course we could always
turn it into a fatal error but that woul not gain us much
compaired to the situation at the moment.

Ok, that's all for now. I hope it's useful in one way or the other.
I would be happy to comment on the code in more detail if needed.

btw.: the patch should be applied to dpkg-
      (No other files were changed).

Fabian Knittel  |  fknittel@gmx.de
--- packages_orig.c	Sun Jun 13 03:27:43 1999
+++ packages.c	Sun Jun 13 05:55:13 1999
@@ -45,10 +45,25 @@
   struct pkginfo *pkg;
+struct loop_table {
+  struct loop_table *next;
+  struct pkginfo *pkg;
+  struct pkginfo *depends;
+static struct loop_table *deps_loop_table = 0;
 static struct pkginqueue *queuehead= 0, **queuetail= &queuehead;
 int queuelen=0, sincenothing=0, dependtry=0;
+static int match_dependency(struct dependency *dep, struct pkginfo *pkg, int *matched, int *interestingwarnings, struct varbuf *oemsgs, struct pkginfo *removing);
+static void add_loop_entry(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfo *depends);
+static void del_loop_entry(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfo *depends);
+static int is_dep_loop(struct pkginfo *possdependee, struct pkginfo *requiredby);
+static int checkfor_dependency_loop(struct pkginfo *possdependee, struct pkginfo *requiredby);
 void add_to_queue(struct pkginfo *pkg) {
   struct pkginqueue *newent;
@@ -104,10 +119,10 @@
   } else {
     if (!*argv)
       badusage(_("--%s needs at least one package name argument"), cipaction->olong);
     while ((thisarg= *argv++) != 0) {
       pkg= findpackage(thisarg);
       if (pkg->status == stat_notinstalled) {
@@ -159,7 +174,7 @@
         internerr("unknown action in duplicate");
       rundown->pkg= 0;
-   } else {
+   } else { 
       rundown->pkg->clientdata->istobe= istobe;
@@ -206,7 +221,7 @@
 /*** dependency processing - common to --configure and --remove ***/
@@ -245,6 +260,93 @@
  * and breaking.
+static void add_loop_entry(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfo *depends)
+  struct loop_table *t = deps_loop_table, *newt, *ot = 0;
+  /* Search for duplicate entry and the end of the list */
+  while (t) {
+    if ((t->pkg == pkg) && (t->depends == depends))
+      return;			/* found duplicate */
+    ot = t;
+    t = t->next;
+  }
+  newt = m_malloc(sizeof(struct loop_table));
+  newt->pkg = pkg;
+  newt->depends = depends;
+  newt->next = 0;
+  if (ot)
+    ot->next = newt;
+  else
+    deps_loop_table = newt;
+static void del_loop_entry(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfo *depends)
+  struct loop_table *t = deps_loop_table, *ot = 0;
+  while (t) {
+    if ((t->pkg == pkg) && (t->depends == depends)) {
+      if (ot)
+	ot->next = t->next;
+      else
+	deps_loop_table = t->next;
+      free(t);
+      return;
+    }
+    ot = t;
+    t = t->next;
+  }
+/* find loops in the dependency list */
+static int is_dep_loop(struct pkginfo *possdependee, struct pkginfo *requiredby)
+  struct loop_table *t = deps_loop_table;
+  while (t) {
+    if (t->pkg == possdependee) {
+      /* Either we find the dependency loop */
+      if ((t->depends == requiredby)
+      /* or we keep on searching */
+	  || is_dep_loop(t->depends, requiredby))
+	return 1;
+    }
+    /* try it in every element */
+    t = t->next;
+  }
+  return 0;
+ * Tries to detect dependency loops by going through the dependencies
+ * and looking for recurrent dependency patterns.
+ * 
+ * If a loop is detected we will return 3 to break out of the loop
+ * and continue the processing although not all dependencies can be
+ * maintained, i.e. we just *hope* that no package will break in the
+ * dependency ring.
+ */
+static int checkfor_dependency_loop(struct pkginfo *possdependee,
+                                    struct pkginfo *requiredby)
+  if (is_dep_loop(possdependee, requiredby)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "dpkg: warning: detected dependancy loop - attemping to break through\n");
+    return 3;
+  }
+  add_loop_entry(possdependee, requiredby);
+  return 1;
 static int deppossi_ok_found(struct pkginfo *possdependee,
                              struct pkginfo *requiredby,
                              struct pkginfo *removing,
@@ -257,6 +359,7 @@
   if (ignore_depends(possdependee)) {
     debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      ignoring depended package so ok and found");
+    del_loop_entry(requiredby, possdependee);
     return 3;
   thisf= 0;
@@ -271,6 +374,11 @@
     *matched= 1;
     if (fc_depends) thisf= (dependtry >= 4) ? 2 : 1;
     debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      removing possdependee, returning %d",thisf);
+    if (!thisf) {
+      /* returns 3 if a loop is detected, otherwise 1 */
+      if (checkfor_dependency_loop(possdependee, requiredby) == 3)
+	thisf = 3;
+    }
     return thisf;
   switch (possdependee->status) {
@@ -293,12 +401,14 @@
     if (possdependee->status == stat_installed) {
       debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      is installed, ok and found");
+      del_loop_entry(requiredby, possdependee);
       return 3;
     if (possdependee->clientdata &&
         possdependee->clientdata->istobe == itb_installnew) {
       debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      unpacked/halfconfigured, defer");
-      return 1;
+      /* returns 3 if a loop is detected, otherwise 1 */
+      return checkfor_dependency_loop(possdependee, requiredby);
     } else if (!removing && fc_configureany && !skip_due_to_hold(possdependee)) {
               _("dpkg: also configuring `%s' (required by `%s')\n"),
@@ -332,12 +442,54 @@
+/* 0=none, 1=defer, 2=withwarning, 3=ok */
+static int match_dependency(struct dependency *dep, struct pkginfo *pkg, int *matched,
+                            int *interestingwarnings, struct varbuf *oemsgs,
+                            struct pkginfo *removing) {
+  struct deppossi *possi, *provider;
+  int thisf = 0, found = 0;
+  for (possi= dep->list; found != 3 && possi; possi= possi->next) {
+    debug(dbg_depcondetail,"    checking possibility  -> %s",possi->ed->name);
+    if (possi->cyclebreak) {
+      debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      break cycle so ok and found");
+      found= 3;
+      break;
+    }
+    thisf= deppossi_ok_found(possi->ed,pkg,removing,0,matched,possi,
+                             interestingwarnings,oemsgs);
+    if (thisf > found)
+      found= thisf;
+    if (found != 3 && possi->verrel == dvr_none) {
+      if (possi->ed->installed.valid) {
+	for (provider= possi->ed->installed.depended;
+	     found != 3 && provider;
+	     provider= provider->nextrev) {
+	  if (provider->up->type != dep_provides)
+	    continue;
+	  debug(dbg_depcondetail,"     checking provider %s",provider->up->up->name);
+	  thisf = deppossi_ok_found(provider->up->up,pkg,removing,possi->ed,
+				    matched,0,interestingwarnings,oemsgs);
+	  if (thisf > found)
+	    found= thisf;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    debug(dbg_depcondetail,"    found %d",found);
+    if (thisf > found)
+      found= thisf;
+  }
+  /* 0=none, 1=defer, 2=withwarning, 3=ok */
+  return found;
+/* returns 2=ok, 1=defer, 0=halt */
 int dependencies_ok(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfo *removing,
                     struct varbuf *aemsgs) {
-  int ok, matched, found, thisf, interestingwarnings;
+  int ok, matched, found, interestingwarnings;
   struct varbuf oemsgs;
   struct dependency *dep;
-  struct deppossi *possi, *provider;
   interestingwarnings= 0;
@@ -348,33 +500,12 @@
   for (dep= pkg->installed.depends; dep; dep= dep->next) {
     if (dep->type != dep_depends && dep->type != dep_predepends) continue;
     debug(dbg_depcondetail,"  checking group ...");
-    matched= 0; varbufreset(&oemsgs);
-    found= 0; /* 0=none, 1=defer, 2=withwarning, 3=ok */
-    for (possi= dep->list; found != 3 && possi; possi= possi->next) {
-      debug(dbg_depcondetail,"    checking possibility  -> %s",possi->ed->name);
-      if (possi->cyclebreak) {
-        debug(dbg_depcondetail,"      break cycle so ok and found");
-        found= 3; break;
-      }
-      thisf= deppossi_ok_found(possi->ed,pkg,removing,0,
-                               &matched,possi,&interestingwarnings,&oemsgs);
-      if (thisf > found) found= thisf;
-      if (found != 3 && possi->verrel == dvr_none) {
-        if (possi->ed->installed.valid) {
-          for (provider= possi->ed->installed.depended;
-               found != 3 && provider;
-               provider= provider->nextrev) {
-            if (provider->up->type != dep_provides) continue;
-            debug(dbg_depcondetail,"     checking provider %s",provider->up->up->name);
-            thisf= deppossi_ok_found(provider->up->up,pkg,removing,possi->ed,
-                                     &matched,0,&interestingwarnings,&oemsgs);
-            if (thisf > found) found= thisf;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      debug(dbg_depcondetail,"    found %d",found);
-      if (thisf > found) found= thisf;
-    }
+    matched= 0;
+    varbufreset(&oemsgs);
+    found= match_dependency(dep, pkg, &matched,
+                            &interestingwarnings, &oemsgs,
+                            removing);
     debug(dbg_depcondetail,"  found %d matched %d",found,matched);
     if (removing && !matched) continue;
     switch (found) {

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