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Bug#36972: dpkg: dpkg can remoev vital files/symlinks without warn

morpheus@rpglink.com (Steve Lamb)  wrote on 03.05.99 in <[🔎] E10eOVW-0000k6-00@rpglink.com>:

>   It was the standard "new
> configuration" prompt which in nearly EVERY case can be safely ignored.

That is a pretty startling assertion.

I'd say that this prompt can *never* be safely ignored.

Maybe the package won't break if you do. But chances are it will change  
it's behaviour in unpredictable ways. I've seen countless examples of  

That's why there *is* such a prompt, after all. If it were safe to ignore,  
there would be no good reason to have it in the first place.

In fact, if this were a report about one of my packages, I'd probably say  
the above assertion alone is a reasn to close the bug as a clear pilot  

>     My concern lays in what the administrator has built up around those
> packages.  Listar, in this case, broke with no warning.  *NONE*.

Given your above assertion, this is obviously untrue, *and you know it*.

MfG Kai

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