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Re: bug with dh_installmenu

On Mon, Nov 09, 1998 at 02:33:26AM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> Brian, you should probably just delete those 2 files - debhelper will notice
> they arn't there, and construct proper ones in the binary package that have
> the #!/bin/sh line as well as the call to update-menus. Or, you could change
> the 2 files to both contain:
Yes, I noticed this shortly after I uploaded them, so -2 went on its way.  My
mistake was looking through and saying "hrm, emusic.postinst.debhelper...lets
just rename that to emusic.postinst..."  renaming it back fixed it.
Sigh...that'll teach me to mess with things...:) It'll save me from answering
duplicate bug reports.


Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/~bma/
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