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Bug#28965: install-info should know INFO-DIR-SECTION (patch)

Package: dpkg
Severity: wishlist

The version of install-info provided by dpkg is incompatible with the
version in (upstream) Texinfo.  The major problem is that dpkg's
version doesn't recognize the INFO-DIR-SECTION marker in info files,
which does essentially the same thing as the --section switch.  This
breaks Makefiles that expect install-info not to need a --section switch.

Here is a patch.


--- install-info.	Tue Jun 23 17:17:48 1998
+++ install-info		Wed Nov  4 19:34:05 1998
@@ -114,7 +114,13 @@
         open(IF,"$filename") || die "$name: read $filename: $!\n";
-        while(<IF>) { last if m/^START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY$/; }
+        while(<IF>) {
+	    m/^START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY$/ && last;
+	    m/^INFO-DIR-SECTION (.+)$/ && do {
+		$sectiontitle = $1		unless defined($sectiontitle);
+		$sectionre = '^'.quotemeta($1)	unless defined($sectionre);
+	    }
+	}
         while(<IF>) { last if m/^END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY$/; $asread.= $_; }
         close(IF); &checkpipe;
         if ($asread =~ m/(\* *[^:]+: *\([^\)]+\).*\. *.*\n){2,}/) {

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