Re: Bug#27223: tetex-base: tetex-base conflicts with bibtool
Christoph Martin writes:
> Hi,
> writes:
> > trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/texmf/doc', which is also in package bibtool
> I can't see, why dpkg is reporting this, because in both cases this is
> a directory, and dpkg should not warn on overwriting directories.
> > Speicherzugriffsfehler (core dumped)
> > ^------- that means SIGSEGV, in case somebody can't cope with German messages
> >
> > Despite the fact, that there is an inconsistency between tetex-base and
> > bibtool I'm not sure if it is a serious bug in dpkg, because a SIGSEGV
> > shouldn't occure in the described case. Please decide yourself how to
> > foreward this problem.
> This all, seams to be a dpkg problem.
Since I got no further information here, I close the bug report
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