Bug#28614: dpkg-dev: Interprets libgtkada_0.1a-6 diff file incorrectly
Package: dpkg-dev
Unpacking with 'dpkg-source -x' fails.
The diff file changes a line that begins with '-- '. This results in
a line in the diff that begins with '--- ', which is interpreted by
an apparently simple-minded check as a filename to patch, even though
the line number info provided should guard against this. Indeed,
patching by hand gives no problem whatsoever.
This means there is a valid source package that can't be unpacked
using the appropriate debian development tools. Please fix this!
Paul Slootman
-- System Information
Debian Release: slink
Kernel Version: Linux alf 2.0.35 #1 Tue Aug 11 11:09:24 CEST 1998 alpha unknown
Versions of the packages dpkg-dev depends on:
ii perl 5.004.04-6 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
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