Processing commands for
> reopen 15786
Bug#15786: FIXED in NMU [was: dselect changes permission of status/available]
Bug#9869: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg: dselect leaves status and available 600]
Bug#11887: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg files mode problems]
Bug#14636: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg file modes problems]
Bug#19146: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg: dselect leaves 'available' and 'status' with wrong permissions]
Bug reopened, originator not changed.
> close 15768
Bug#15768: sudo: Inconsistant sudo performance
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Ian Jackson
(administrator, Debian bugs database)
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