Bug#15786: marked as done (FIXED in NMU [was: dselect changes permission of status/available])
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From: ujr@physik.phy.tu-dresden.de (Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler)
Message-Id: <9712101036.AA20684@physik.phy.tu-dresden.de>
Subject: dselect changes permission of status/available
To: submit@bugs.debian.org (debian bugs)
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:36:13 +0100 (MET)
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Package: dpkg
After entering menu choice 2 (aka Select) in dselect and leaving this
point again (even without actually changing anything, ie. by pressing
'x') the permissions of both /var/lib/dpkg/{status,available} are
changed according to the umask setting of root (because I call dselect
as root).
This is a Bad Thing, because when you use umask 077 (as I do) these
files are not readable by any ordinary user. So you cannot execute
dpkg --status or dpkg --list without beeing root!
#include <signature>
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