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Processing commands for control@bugs.debian.org:

> merge 24613 22115
Bug#22115: dpkg-dev: dpkg-dev should depend on perl and should be moved to section devel
Bug#24613: FIXED in NMU [was: dpkg-dev has unspecified dependency]
Merged 22115 24613.

> merge 6820 7014
Bug#6820: dpkg-source and programmers' manual 3.4.1
Bug#7014: dpkg-source -b does not do all required checks
Merged 6820 7014.

> merge 13785 13897 13976 15686 15869 17361 17376
Bug#13785: dpkg-dev: strange behaviour of parsechangelog if locale is set to de_DE
Bug#13897: dpkg-buildpackage requires debian/substvars to exist (?)
Mismatch - only bugs in same state can be merged:
Values for `severity' don't match:
 #13785 has `';
 #13897 has `normal'

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Ian Jackson
(administrator, Debian bugs database)

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