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Re: Bug#1053445: Merge request regarding 'Please migrate Release Notes to reStructuredText'


Am 4. Oktober 2023 17:05:16 MESZ schrieb Laura Arjona Reina <larjona@debian.org>:
>Hello all
>Sorry for jumping into the thread withour having reading all of it, but the changes to the website cron jobs to build the trixie release notes (MR 13) have been integrated in the codebase (see https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/cron/-/blob/master/parts/7release-notes ) and we're getting an error in the build process (hence the recent "ddp build failed" message in the debian-doc list).
>I think there are two issues:

Thanks for the quick merge.

That being done now, I need to push the 
'Migrate r-n to restructuredText' changings to master.

Please be patient.


>7release-notes script now calls for trixie (https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/cron/-/blob/master/parts/7release-notes#L208 ):
>make install DESTDIR=$crondir/tmp >> $notesdir/build.log 2>&1
>while for the other releases the call is (https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/cron/-/blob/master/parts/7release-notes#L242 )
>make -C $notesdir/release-notes publish \
>        PUBLISHTARBALL=yes PUBLISHDIR=$webtopdir/www/releases/$release >> $notesdir/build.log 2>&1
>I believe that the Makefile of release-notes understands "publish" instead of "install" but I'm not sure about how should we update L208 of the 7release-notes script.
>On the other hand, if I look at the master branch of the release-notes repo, I see that it's still written in docbook, not restructuredtext.
>I guess the files in the new format are still in https://salsa.debian.org/holgerw/release-notes and should be merged into the original release-notes repo first so we actually build them and not the old docbook ones, but not 100% sure about this point because I couldn't follow all the related threads with all the attention they needed (apologies!).
>Kind regards,
>El 4/10/23 a las 12:23, Holger Wansing escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Thomas Lange <lange@cs.uni-koeln.de> wrote (Wed, 4 Oct 2023 10:29:35 +0200):
>>> Hi Holger,
>>> I really like the idea no to produce release notes for each
>>> architecture but only one. Moving to sphinx is also nice.
>>> Sorry, if I broke your MR, by adding code that checks if something
>>> changed in the git repo. I think I can easily add this to your code
>>> later. So maybe we copy your version of 7release-notes and after that
>>> I add my code.
>> That would be really great!
>>> Do you know how long the build process takes using sphinx? I've added
>>> the code, because the build took around 90 minutes using docbook.
>> I expect the build time to be reduced dramatically (rughly ~ 1/9, due to
>> building only one arch instead of nine), but I have no definite values,
>> expecially not for the run on www-master.
>>> Any other things I should keep an eye on?
>> None at the moment.
>> Thanks for considering this MR.
>> It would give us the possibility to move r-n to sphinx, which would be a
>> great deal!
>> Holger

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