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Improving our manpages using the tldr project?


(please keep me in CC, I'm not on the list)

I'm currently teaching the shell to undergrads, and I am facing some
hard questions such as the source of documentation to consider. The
manpages are a great source for reference documentation, but sometimes
they are very difficult to use on a day to day basis.

They are pointing me to other source of documentation, such as the
TL;DR project [1] which aims at constituting a short and practical
documentation for most commands. I acknowledge that the examples given
for each command are very useful, but now I'm missing the reference

[1] https://tldr.sh/

So here comes my crazy idea. Do you think that we (=Debian) could take
the content of tldr, and provide patches to the packages to include a
TL;DR section to the existing pages right after the SYNOPSIS? The hope
would be that each package maintainer would integrate them quickly in
the debian version, as a patch, and possibly speak with upstream for
integration there.

I can see the need, but that's a large effort that I cannot even hope
to achieve myself. It would require more people to coordinate toward
this goal. 

I'd be very interested in any feedback on this idea.

Thanks, Mt.

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.
          --- H.A. Simon, 1971.

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