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Bug#881771: release-notes: No mention of "predictable network interface names" in Debian 10

On Sb, 06 apr 19, 10:28:15, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> C) Actual upgrade instructions.  This is in-progress.
> There are really 2 paths for manual migration of
> interface names: one for when you have console/physical
> access and another when you don't.  In the first case,
> you can try the new names, see what name you get, and
> migrate /etc/.  Without console access you need to
> calculate the new interface name, migrate, and hope
> you got the right name after reboot.  To calculate
> the right interface name you need additional background
> information.  I've whacked up a teeny script, with
> no dependencies, to compute the common case.  But it
> does require the pciid as input, and I suggest installing
> pciutils to get lspci to find pciids.

According to [1] here are two other options:

3. assign own names (e.g. internet0, dmz0, lan0, etc.) by creating a 
.link file in /etc/systemd/network/ and migrate your configuration 

4. disable the naming policy (via kernel parameter or udev) and 
optionally migrate later (e.g. when one has console access to the 

It should be possible to use the kernel parameter in combination with a 
"boot once" grub entry to both get the new name and test the new 
configuration for remote systems.

Wouldn't it make sense to ask also the udev/systemd maintainers for 

[1] https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/

Kind regards,

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