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Bug#760897: release-notes: systemd switch: customised init scripts

Package: release-notes
Severity: normal

Exactly how the init system is to be handled for wheezy->jessie upgrades is
still being argued about (and probably still will be in a few months...). What
is clear, however, is that some sort of "migration to systemd" documentation
would be appropriate to include in the release notes. Interested admins will
want to know how to go about changing irrespective of whether the migration
is done by default or not.

There is a starting point on the wiki (although that is probably overly verbose
to include in the release notes as it is)


One point for migration that came up on debian-devel [1] is that local
modifications to init scripts may well need to be ported over to the systemd
units. This can't be done automatically and it's not even going to be easy to
work out if there is a systemd unit for any given local modification. What we
can do, however, is help the admin prepare a list of init scripts that have
been modified so they can add them to their own TODO list for checking.

One of the following is a good starting point for this:

# debsums -c -e | grep ^/etc/init.d

  Using debsums is the simplest but requires installation of that package
  (personally, I'd have it installed anyway and run it as part of the
  upgrade procedure for some housekeeping).

# dpkg-query --show -f'${Conffiles}' | sed 's, /,\n/,g' | grep /etc/init.d |
  awk 'NF,OFS="  " {print $2, $1}' | md5sum --quiet -c

  This shell monstrosity is general enough... Presumably the sed+grep+awk can
  be tidied at the expense of legibilility.

# dpkg --verify

  This is only available in jessie's dpkg. If a multi-step upgrade procedure
  is recommended then relying on jessie's dpkg would be feasible but it would
  mix the preparation and upgrade steps.

[1]  http://lists.debian.org/<540E056A.3040909@free.fr>

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