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Re: Bug#562325: maint-guide: FTBFS: debiandoc2latexps: ERROR: maint-guide.fr.dvi could not be generated properly

  Well there originally was a big long email here, and then I noticed

  <sect id="debuild">
     La commande <prgn>debuild</prgn>

  <sect id="debuild">The <prgn>debuild</prgn> command

Should the French document have those heading tags? Only it and some
parts of the Russian document have it.

Anyhow, here is the rest of the most-likely useless email....

  Following up on this bug, putting in a -v flag gives this:

Chapitre 6.
! Undefined control sequence.
\H@old@sect ...sname }\fi #7}\else \def \@svsechd 
                                                  {#6{\hskip #3\relax
l.1988 ...FDP\texttt{debuild}\AutoSpaceBeforeFDP}}

I ran debiandoc2latex and then latex maint-guide.fr.tex and found 
it's this line:
\section{La commande {\NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP\texttt{debuild}\AutoSpaceBeforeFDP}}

It's the \NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP within the \section area.  If I
comment/delete those lines it builds fine, until it hits the next one.
\section{La commande {\texttt{debuild}}}
works fine too.

The following lines work ok, so it seems these FDP macros don't like
being inside \section{} :
Vous pouvez automatiser encore plus le processus de construction avec
la commande {\NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP\texttt{debuild2}\AutoSpaceBeforeFDP}.
Voir {\NoAutoSpaceBeforeFDP\texttt{debuild(1)}\AutoSpaceBeforeFDP}.

The english document tex file looks like the following and works:
\section{The \texttt{debuild} command}

So for some reason debiandoc2latex puts that unknown command in. My LaTeX
is a bit rusty but I do recall things behave differently inside
\section{} areas.

 - Craig

Craig Small      GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
http://www.enc.com.au/                             csmall at : enc.com.au
http://www.debian.org/          Debian GNU/Linux, software should be Free 

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