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inclusion of actual commands in the docs would help me a LOT.


I very much appreciate the docs you made, supporting the
upgrade from sarge to etch. I realize that you must know
so much, much more about the system than I do that it
may be difficult for you to see where the document is obscure,
at least for me. Instead of a list, let me suggest one
way that would help me, a lot: put in the actual commands,
so that a user can do things even though he or she doesn't
understand exactly what's going on.

You do this a lot already, and it's very much appreciated.
Still, there are places where it's missing.

One is section '4.7.2 Rerun lilo', where you give one
command (# /sbin/lilo), to be run if you use lilo as the
bootloader. I think I do, but I'm not sure. Therefore,
I would have been helped by a command that finds out whether
you use liilo or grub. Perhaps cat /proc/something?,
cat /etc/lilo.conf? What should those files look like?
How do you compare them to what you want to see in /
or initrd (as you mention one should)?

In this same section, you recommend checking /etc/kernel-img.conf,
to make sure there's a line 'do_bootloader = Yes'.
Often these conf files will have all the available commands,
with most of them commented out. Then, you can activate them
easily, and you are sure that the format, etc., is correct.
But, when you have to add the command yourself you might wonder
about the spaces around the '=' sign, and the capital Y in Yes:
So, it would be nice if you could give what the file should
look like, including warnings about spaces and capitalization
as needed.

Hope this helps. Please be assured that these comments are
not intended as criticism, but rather are proof of
my appreciation for your work.

Nino R. Pereira, Ecopulse
PO Box 528 Springfield VA 22150, 703 644 8419
pereira at speakeasy dot net

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