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Bug#404914: Please add two issues for Sparc32

package: release-notes

On some Netras (on Netra X1 for sure) udev loads both tulip and dfme 
drivers, which claim support for the same PCI IDs (#334104). tulip 
driver is correct one for Netra. We are currently working on it, so 
that at least one can disable the dmfe driver at boot time, but it 
probably worth to mention that the user might need to manually remove 
both dmfe and tulip (modprobe -r) and then modprobe tulip only.

Xorg does not work with PCI graphics cards which are in the non-zero
PCI domain. Most notorious example is E250 machine (#388329). I have a 
patch and asked to test a fixed kernel. As usual, nobody did, and 
gravity is reluctant at this point to accept a patch (I don't blame 
him). So I'll probably put the patched server somewhere on people.d.o
for people to download.

The following issue is specific to the installer. Proposed text:

<p>If a hard disk has previously used under Solaris, the partitioner
may not detect the size of the drive correctly. Creating a new partition
table does not fix this issue. What does help, is to "zero" the first
few sectors of the drive:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd<var>X</var> bs=512 count=2; sync

<p>Note that this will make any existing data on that disk

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