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Re: Debian Packages how-to

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Whats that ??? I have gotten this Message several times month ago...

Am 2004-04-05 21:53:49, schrieb Brent Schartung:
As a new Debian user, I had no problems finding
http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages and using its
search engine to find the latest and greatest stuff. However, short of downloading .debs with a web browser
and double-clicking them to open KPackage, I can't
seem to get to the packages.  I really wish the
/packages page had a good Synaptic/apt-get tutorial
(or easy-to-find link) that shows:

How to open Synaptic and the Repositories screen
A list of mirrors of official and unofficial servers
(i.e. what goes in URI)
What goes in the Distribution and Section boxes
What Vendors... does
How all this maps to the apt-get config files

An example of a non-trivial (?) package to retrieve is
the (non-free) graphviz package from ATT labs.  No
combination of debian/pool/non-free/g for Distribution
seems to do the trick!

I suspect there is a very good resource out there for
setting up synaptic, but I just can't find it.  And I
believe that debian.org/distrib/packages should do all
it can to help new users get started with package

Brent Schartung
He comes across as a genuine newby, and not some AOL troll.
There's no mail header, so I can't do it.
Just reply with links to reportbug and apt-howto.


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