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Re: Introductions, etc

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 08:57:48AM -0400, Teodorski, Chris wrote:
> I'm not a hacker so unless the Debian community is interested in
> introducing very poorly written code into Debian then I'm not of any use
> there.  I am fairly technically literate (my day job is as a SysAdmin)
> and my degree is in English Lit, so it seems that I am a perfect fit for
> the documentation project.  So, I'm asking if I can help out and how?

There's actually a lot of things you can do to help the documentation 
project. Basicly it all boils down to:

1.- Improve existing documentation
2.- Write new documentation

The first thing is rather easy, pick your document of choice from the list
of available and finished documents, go through it and send patches
improving either wording (a lot of documentation has been written by
non-native english speaking people like myself) or content.

The second one is more cumbersome, you actually have to determine which
document you would find of value and it's not currently available (or is
stalled and needs to be worked on). That's actually what Osamu did when he
started the "Debian Quick Reference" guide or what I did when I started
working on the "Debian Security Manual" basing my work in Alexander's

The documentation project is currently without a "project manager" of 
sorts, so there's also a lot of work to be done in writting a proper policy 
[1] and, even, small HOWTOs on how people can contribute new documentation 
(or patches) to the project :-)



[1] See http://www.debian.org/doc/docpolicy
and http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/ddp-policy/ddp-policy.en.html

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