Re: 4400 Guide Amendum
On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 04:18:28AM -0500, wrote:
> To Whom it May Concern,
> Attached is a short companion guide to the Installation Guide for Debian for the PowerPC, dealing specifically with installing it on a Power Mac 4400/200, and allowing the system to boot to Debian from the hard disk.
> It probably requires editing, but, if you think it would be useful, feel free to use all or part of it.
> thank you for your time,
> David
> Addition to the Debain for PowerPC Installion Guide:
> How to Make a Power Mac 4400 Bootable to Debain from the HDD.
> Contents:
> 0)About this Guide
> 1)What you need
> 2)Prepping your system
> 3)Installing Debian
> 4)Booting from the HDD
> 5)Configuring XF86
> 6)Notes
> 7)Contact
> Section 0-About This Guide
> This is a Installation guide ONLY for Debian Linux on a Power Macintosh 4400/200. This is NOT expected to work for any other Macintoshes. If it does, great, but I offer no assurences. This set up also assumes you want to boot to Debian Linux, and ONLY Debian linux. If this isn't the case, this isn't the guide for you.
> This Guide DOES NOT require Mac OS to be installed on the target system.
> This is not a step-by-step guide, its an addition to the Debian of PowerPC Installation Guide, and is ment to be used with, not instead of, that guide.
> Section 1-What you need
> You will need
> 4 1.44 Diskettes. You need on these disks:
> The Mac OS 8.1 disk tools disk. This can obtained from apple's FTP.
> The Unaltered Debian HFS boot disk. It can be obtained from Debian's FTP.(See notes)
> The Root.bin image from Debian's FTP. (See Notes)
> A second Debian HFS bootdisk altered for standard boot. (See Notes)
> Debian Install CD
> Section 2-Prepping your system
> Not much to do here. No existing OS is required.
> Power down your 4400.
> Section 3-Installing Debian
> Insert your Unaltered HFS boot disk into the disk drive, and power up.
> The system will read your disk (it will take a few minutes), and request your root.bin image. Insert your Root.bin disk, and proceed.
> Configure your Keyboard, etc.
> When you get to the harddrive partioning, you'll want (atleast) 3 partions.
> a 5 MB HFS (apple) partion at the begining of the drive. (see notes)
> Your Debian (linux) Partion
> Your swap partion
> More about the apple partion later in section 5.
> Continue installing debian until you come to "Making the system bootable". Skip this and making a boot floppy. Quik Doesn't work (If you tried quik, your system isn't dead. Consult the debian install for how to zap your PROM) and the CD doesn't do boot floppies. Just power down, and get your 8.1 Disk Tools disk.
> Section 4-Booting from the HDD
> Ok, now this requires a little bit of Bait and switch.
> You can skip this section for now and just use your Altered HFS bootdisk and come back to this step later.
> 1)Boot off your 8.1 Disk Tools disk. This will take you a very striped down Mac OS.
> 2)Copy the files from the 8.1 Disk Tools disk to your hard drive.
> 3)Shut down from the special menu (to clear the floppy drive).
> 4)Boot up with the floppy disk drive empty. You'll boot into the 8.1 disk tools files stored on the harddrive (you'll get a warning about this, but ignore it)
> 5)Insert your altered HFS boot disk into the drive, and copy the files onto hard disk, into an empty folder.
> 6)Eject the Debian boot disk, and insert the 8.1 disk tools disk, and reboot.
> 7)You'll run the disk tools off the Floppy again. Delete the files you copied from the Disk Tools disk before.
> 8)Move the files you copied from the debian boot out of the folder.
> 9) Shut down from the special menu.
> 10)Boot up with the floppy empty. You boot right into Debian. Your drive is now bootable.
> See notes.
> Section 5-Configuring XFree86
> In all likely hood, your screen goes blank and flashes dark for a few seconds, and dumps you at a login prompt. This is normal.
> Login as root.
> Run XF86config.
> You'll want a lot of default options.
> For your mouse, select PS/2 (option 4) and to emulate 3 buttons.
> When you are asked to see the list of video cards, say yes. You'll want the ATI Mach 64 (number 27).
> Just default the rest of the options.
> type in "shutdown -r now" with out the "'s. Your system will reboot, and you should boot into X/KDE/GNOME (which ever you selected).
> Section 6-NOTES:
> Section 1-
> The Debian Installation guide is very helpful for "burning" these disk images. The root.bin you download is a an image, you can't just copy it to a disk, same with HFS. You have use a disk copy utility, several of which are listed in the install guide.
> The installation guide also offers several ways to alter the HFS boot disk. I used RegEdit.
> Section 3-
> You could leave 5 megs or so of "raw" space at the begining of the drive, and use the drive setup utility on the 8.1 disk tools floppy to convert it.
> Section 4-
> The shell game is needed because when booting off the Disk Tools Floppy, it wouldn't allow the floppy to ejected. If you know away arround this, feel free to use it to just copy the altered HFS boot files to the harddrive. And drop me a line at the contact information.
> Section 7-Contact
> If you have problems or questions, I probably won't be much help, but you can reach me at:
Thanks, David! I don't think I've seen this possibility mentioned
anywhere, nor thought of it myself either. For some reason I thought
miBoot wouldn't work from the hard drive.
Basically, you copy the floppy contents into a bootable HFS partition
on the disk. One could also do this from Linux, even in the installer
environment, I think:
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/hda2 bs=1024
I'll play around with it a bit on my machines, and then add the idea
in the manual as an option.
Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
toff one at cox dot net
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