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Re: future of dhelp

"Daniel K. Gebhart" <dkg@con-fuse.org> writes:

> I'm the new maintainer of dhelp and unhappily not sure about its future.
> The old upstream author and maintainer "Stefan Hornburg" told me to 
> discuss future doings with you.
> A good friend of mine "Daniel Nouri" would help me in maintaining dhelp
> and maybe will be the new upstream author. But first, we have to know
> what exactly we should do now.
> Are the .dhelp files necessary, or can we rewrite dhelp to parse
> information direclty from /usr/share/doc-base/*?

I'd like to eliminate the need for .dhelp files but I"M not sure if
it's really correct to have dhelp using the doc-base files directly.
E.g., what happens if I change the format?  

I was looking to have a hook mechanism by which dhelp hooks into
document registration, deregistration, and updating.  This would be an
executable that, say, takes some data in some format (either the
filname for thge doc-base file in question, or else the document
registration info on stdin or something.

Another idea was an auto-loaded perl module which is passed a data
structure with the registration data (which could call non-perl
stuff).  That would at least provide some abstraction from the
doc-base file format.

I'm interested in how you think it should work.

Anyhow, this hook mechanism would mean that doc-base doesn't have to
know about dhelp or anything -- it just triggers the hooks and that
dhelp stuff is properly delegated out.

I'd be interested in your input...

...Adam Di Carlo...<adam@onshored.com>.......<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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