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Woody Release Notes comments

A few things I noticed while reading the "Release Notes for Debian
GNU/Linux 3.0 `woody', Intel x86"

In http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#s-renames ,
"listar -> ecartis" is listed twice (first on the 10th line, after
xlib6-h-status -> xlibs-dev, and then again about two thirds the way
down the list, after libv1.22 -> lib1.25).  It looks like the list is
mostly sorted in alphabetical order, but the first 20 entries or so are

In http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#s3.2.1 ,
the paragraph that starts "It is desirable to remove any holds..." says
that one can identify packages on hold with "dpkg --audit".  I think
this needs to be something like "dpkg --get-selections | grep hold". 

In http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#s-cdroms , 
the first paragraph says "See above if you need to first install the
latest version of apt and dpkg...", but that discussion seems to have
been removed from the document.

In http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#s-upgrade-process ,
the first paragraph says "The recommended method of upgrade is to use
apt-get directly, as described here. ..." However, based on the info in
sections 3.4 and 3.5, it seems that section 3.3 should start out
with something like "The recommended method of upgrading is to use the 'apt'
method of dselect."

Nathan Stratton Treadway  | Ray Ontko & Co. | Software consulting services
nathant@ontko.com         | Richmond, IN    | http://www.ontko.com/   

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