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Re: Wiki-based documentation project

[ This is a reply to a private mail Morten sent me. 
[ He has consented to a public reply.

On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 05:03:03PM +0200, Morten Hustveit wrote:
> Ben Armstrong points out that the existing documentation is maintained 
> satisfactory.  Come to think about it, i fully agree.  The wiki could work 
> like a directory with notes about Debian-specific behaviour, rather than 
> acting like a single source of information, and provide a cache similar to 
> that of Google.  Following a design goal like that, though, would leave most 
> of the material at wiki.debian.net outside the scope, and require a 
> completely different engine.

Yes, the comment from Ben nudged me to think more about the topic. 

Here is what I came up with:

=== Vision =

''Providing SourceForge-like infrastructure based on a wiki-like

* SourceCode
* Dokumentation
* VersionControl
* ReleaseMechanisms
* TestFramework
* BugTracking

=== Implementation =

Necessary Modifications:
* complete VersionControl with e.g. {{cvs}}
* Export-/¦Importpossibilities for bigger changes in the source
* Handling of bigger amounts of <nowiki> data
** SyntaxHighlighting plus WikiElements in the source
* support deep hierarchies 
** flexible resolution of references to other pages
* improved Interfaces to enter content. e.g. MailToWikiInterface

This is a translation from a german Wiki, where I tried to get a first
feedback. <http://www.wikiservice.at/dse/wiki.cgi?WikiAlsIDE>

The usemod-wiki entered unstable a few days ago and seems to provide a
good base for experiments.

Regards, David
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