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Re: apt howto

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, John F Davis wrote:

> I saw some notes about cvs commits for a apt-howto doc.  I went to
> linuxdoc.org and looked for it in the  alphabetical index, but I didn't
> find the apt-howto.  Where is it?  Where are the others kept?  Are they
> kept on the debian.org website or are they on the linuxdoc.org website?

Yes; it's confusing, isn't it?

The Linux Documentation Project (LDP - but website pages under 'tldp'
and/or 'linuxdoc' at the moment) has a single page list of (LDP) HOWTOs


 -- but you won't find the APT HOWTO there, as apt is a debian-specific
utility.  You should therefore look under:


which will in turn point you to:


Martin Wheeler <mwheeler@startext.co.uk> gpg key 01269BEB @ the.earth.li

   "Glastonbury could be a real spiritual centre, but it will only be
    pretension until it lives its beliefs"  --  Michael Perry

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