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Re: Typos in relnotes.en for woody

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 02:36:57PM +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:
> This is not a thorough proof-reading, but I spotted the following issues:
> * What's New in the Installation System?
> s/can be update/can be updated/
> * Renamed Packages
> s/xbookss/xbooks/

I fixed these.

> * A point that was not mentionned is that make-kpkg now has a much
> more flexible support for building packages of patched kernels, and
> that a fair number of kernel patches now come in packaged form
> (most of them easily listed by "apt-cache search kernel-patch").
> * why is apt-get "not recommended" for upgrading ?  "apt-get
> dselect-upgrade" is what is called by dselect, and it is IMHO not
> fair to apt not to mention this.  Or does dselect have any additional
> mechanisms specific for upgrade ?

These would be addressed by Rob, perhaps you could do a patch?

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